Aprica, the Japanese stroller people, have now come out with a carseat. And this is not your mother's carseat....or your friend's....or yours...or anyone's for that matter. The Aprica Euro Turn, which sells for around $1000 (no kidding), is both a an infant carseat, an in-car carrycot, and a child's carseat all built into one! All you have to do is pull the lever on the base and it's the only carseat your child will ever need. And on top of that it has a built in ventilation system that regulates the baby's temperature to prevent over-heating.
Even though it's meant to stay in the car only (can't be used as a travel system or baby carrier), according to Junior Magazine, it is fairly easy to use and extremely safe. It's not available in the USA at the moment, but who's knows? Maybe one day...
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