People Magazine features a joint article on new babies Barron Trump and Moses Martin. It goes on sale this Friday in stores, so if you pick it up (or you subscribe and already have one), here are the names of the items you'll see.
Barron Trump - Barron models a Burberry robe and Kaloo Bear slippers in one picture. In another he is cradled by his parents in a Bonpoint sleeper. Barron also shows off his room filled with stuffed toys from FAO Schwarz. Not sure what to make of the gold baby carriage thing. I'm hoping it's a prop.
Moses Martin - Moses has a blanket from the Nursery Window. Not sure on the outfit. It could be Petit Bateau. Apple rides in a Bugaboo Cameleon.
*edit* This from reader Jessica:
"Barron's pram was actually a joke of a gift given by Ellen Degeneres on her show when the Trumps appeared. She mentioned it today - how it was gold and marble inside and had a chandelier as a mobile - it was a joke that the Trumps took seriously."
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